Kinda depressed-ish

It’s weird. Being here, around people whose native language is Spanish, is so perfect yet kind of scarring. I want to be their friend but we can’t speak on an equal level. I’ve only been here a week and a half but I feel so inadequate because I’m not fluent. All I can do is study and remember and hope that it will come easily. I think it will…. Right now I just need to make my calendar pretty, look at some irregular verbs, call my parents and go to sleep.

Before I do, though, I must say that I had a cute fail experience today. Three of my friends and I decided to go climb the awesome mountain behind the residencia. We started toward the bridge, which is, like, a million miles away, and we didn’t know exactly how to get to the mountain once we got there. Halfway to the bridge, we decided it was too hot (hottest part of the day, the afternoon hahaha) and we went to go get gourmet ice cream instead. I could eat exactly one kind, and it was lime, andit was glorious. I love it when people label what has milk or eggs in it ^^ I didn’t get a pic of the place, but here’s a pic of my hand and an empty Santangelo’s ice cream container with a spoon stuck in it!

We chilled in front of the Ayuntamiento, which is a government building of Logroño’s council or something, and I took a picture of the not-fall fall we’re having. I’m gonna have such a blast when I’m in NY next fall :p

I didn’t end up hanging out with some new friends I made yesterday because they left for dinner before my nap and studying were over. Very sad. All I encountered downstairs was a room full of people playing games (people I didn’t feel like assaulting with my Spanish, and yes I know it’s an excuse) and a cocky English guy. He’s lived here for, like, ever, so his Spanish is great, but he’s a jerk and very much not into being nice.

I’m being super cliche and listening to Michael Bublé’s Home. Time for studying.



About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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