Zip Codes:

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  • Population = 75,220
  • Median age: 32.5
  • Education attainment (Percent high school graduate and more): 80.1%
  • Foreign born: 28, 605
  • People below poverty level: 11.9%

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  • Population = 78,134
  • Median age: 34.6
  • Education attainment (Percent high school graduate and more): 72.4%
  • Foreign born: 37,251
  • People below poverty level: 22.8%

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  • Population = 88,630
  • Median age: 39.5
  • Education attainment (Percent high school graduate and more): 73.5%
  • Foreign born: 47, 611
  • People below poverty level: 18.6%

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