Blog Post 6

I don’t really listen to a lot of music besides rap and hip hop but one piece of music I have listened to in the past several months is Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes but I mostly hear it performed marching band style so no words. They played this song a lot at my high school’s assemblies and the marching band would always come out and do it. At first, I didn’t have an image in my head or anything when I heard this piece, and I just thought that it sounded really cool but then I heard it in a different context because it was used in the Battlefield 1 trailer so now whenever I hear the song I think about war and see it as a much more dark song. The piece itself however gives me a sense of empowerment and strength. If I had to associate this music with colors I would go with black and white I think mainly because since the song is associated with WW1, it feels like it’s more of a nostalgic and ancient thing, so black and white seems most fitting. Whenever I hear this song I have the urge to pump my fist in the air like I’m at a rock concert because that song is really good and so is Battlefield 1, so I gotta pay homage.

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One thought on “Blog Post 6”

  1. Seven Nation Army is one of my favorite songs as well. Have you ever listened to the Postmodern Jukebox version of the song? I personally think Postmodern Jukebox does the piece best, but the marching band version is nice as well. Nice post!

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