Part I
The crimes that the judge describes are destroying the city and lives. However, Philippe Petit’s crime of tight roping on the World Trade Centres is a crime that makes life meaningful. It represents many of our desires to be free. Most of the viewers are amazed at a person who broke the limitations and fears and lived life. Part of the city did come alive when he was committing his crime.
Part II.
The judge is Claire’s husband and he presides over the case of Jazzlyn, Tillie, and tightrope man. This is important because it is a bridge between these characters. It shows how the system treats both these people. The judge does have sympathy for Jazzlyn and Tillie and he can see the love and affection they have for each other. The judge did not actually want to jail Petit but he has to. This also illustrates how New York is indeed a big city but it is also a small city because people of disparate backgrounds meet and come together somehow. For example, we know someone who knows a guy, and the chain continues. And we are astonished to find out we are mutual friends. We go to places that almost force us meet although we are from different backgrounds and a courtroom is one of them.
Part III
When I first read the prologue, I was confused as to what was happening. I did not know what the significance of the tightrope walker is. As I continued reading after, I did not see him appear again for a while. I thought maybe the tightrope walker’s crime was supposed to be metaphorical and it is, but not completely. The prologue ends with Philippe Petit taking steps on the rope. In the next page, we are thrust into the story. Later on, we learn that Jazzlyn and Tillie get arrested that day, Soloman is the judge for both cases, Gloria adopts Jazzlyn’s kids, etc. All these connections occur of class, race, and more intersections.
The bridge that unsettled me the most was Lara and Ciaran’s romance. Lara’s husband Blaine crashed into Corrigan and Jazzlyn’s car. I didn’t understand why Ciaran would decide to date someone who was somewhat involved in his brother’s death.
A bridge that made my heart sing was Gloria adopting Jazzlyn’s kids and not only that but Gloria is a continuation of Corrigan. Like Corrigan, she does not hate the hookers, she has a loving attitude, and is Christain. She and Corrigan have beautiful hearts. She can adjust to people and help others in trouble.
“Philippe Petit’s crime of tight roping on the World Trade Centres is a crime that makes life meaningful. It represents many of our desires to be free.”
–and it took a rascal to do it!