Part I.
In Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann, the judge’s monologue describes the crime and destruction that has taken over The Bronx. In Man on Wire, Philippe Petit is also committing a crime, but it is not one that that tears us apart. Instead, it brings us together. Everyday New Yorkers along with visiting tourists stopped and stared in amazement to watch Philippe, a great contrast from the murders, rape, and robberies.
Part II.
The judge having Tillie, Jazzlyn, and the tightrope guy finally ties the entire story together. Judge Soderberg is actually married to Claire and is actually relieved when he discovers he get the tightrope walker’s case. It almost a break from the events judge Soderberg usually deals with and describes in his monologue. Seeing these two cases presented at the same time shows two drastic differences in what is considered a crime. Philippe’s action were considered by many to be an act of beauty. However, Tillie and Jazzlyn are seen as nothing more than lowlifes and prostitutes. Because of this Judge Soderberg has a more light hearted view on the tightrope walker (Petit) than Tillie and Jazzlyn. The doubling up of these two events finally bridge the connections presented throughout the story.
Part III.
In the prologue we first witness Philippe Petit on the tightrope. Bystanders look in awe and the reader is left unknowing as to whether the stunt was successful or not. We later find out that as this is going on, Tillie and Jazzlyn are being arrested,Claire has the laddies over for lunch, and Claire’s husband, Judge Soderberg, gets both Petit’s as well as Tillie and Jazzlyn’s court case. Many things did not make sense when first reading the book. It is mind blowing to see how these people with completely different lives and stories could be so closely connected.
A bridge that surprised me the most was when Ciaran met Lara. It is unsettling to think about meeting the person who killed your own brother. Most people would react with some type of aggression or hate. However, they end up being together. I personally do not think I could go through something like that, however things happen for a reason.
The bridge that “made my heart sing” was Jaslyn being with Claire. It was shocking to see Jaslyn is Jazzlyn’s daughter. Even though she couldn’t be by her birth mother’s side, she was there for Claire. It was heartwarming to learn Jaslyn had escaped the loop of prostitution running in her family and is living a decent life.