Let the Great World Spin – Prologue and Ch. 1

“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.” – Leonardo da Vinci

After reading the prologue, this was the first thing that came to mind. For years this quote by Leonardo da Vinci has rang through my head whenever I had felt lost or was at a standstill in my life. As the people of Manhattan watch a man tightrope between the Twin Towers, some had their faces pointed directly at the sky watching the fate of this foolish man and others were too absorbed by their daily tasks. My biggest question for those that could not spare a moment to look is, why? Why be so consumed with your routine that you have to miss out on the spectacular things occurring around you? This makes me come to the conclusion that maybe these people have not truly experienced flight because if they did they would try to be apart of the world around them. McCann even describes the setting by stating that the man was visible from all parts of the city as if being the focal point from which everything else expanded from.

The first chapter begins with two brothers and their mother that live in Dublin, Ireland. After their mother’s death, Corrigan finds himself joining the Order and stationing in an apartment in the Bronx while the narrator remains in Dublin. They eventually meet up again and this is where we get an in depth look at the person that Corrigan really is. All his life he has preferred to live and be surrounded by the unfortunate people of society such as hookers, junkies, and vagrants. I connect most with this character as he reminds me both of myself and my very religious aunt. As a frequent Criminal Minds and Law and Order viewer, I know that the world offers many threats; however, just as Corrigan tells his brother that he is not worried by the “tough looking” people I feel the same exact way. My aunt basically gives her life to God and because of this her and Corrigan share many similarities. This has caused me to lose a connection with the narrator since I know that he does not have a full understanding of what what his brother is trying to do. From the moment he gave his blanket away to when he saved Jazzlyn from the Tombs, his life is sacrifice which is why I idolize him.


As stated in Merriam-Webster Dictionary, existential can be defined as “relating to or affirming existence.” When using this specific definition, existence can be referring to anything in the world such as planes, food, streets, and anything else that is in a state of reality. These are all things that exist; however, when analyzing the use of the word in this piece we can see that the author, Stanley Diamond, is only concerned with human existence. This focuses on the philosophical theory of existentialism which emphasizes the free will of an individual person to determine how they will dictate their own existence. In The Beautiful and the Ugly are One Thing, the Sublime Another: A Reflection on Culture, Diamond states that “the existentializing of our human possibilities… represents a struggle that is constant and renewed in each generation… as [individuals] strive to become cultured human beings.” In this quote, the author is revealing that this existence that humans are bestowed with comes with a battle to stay relevant. For every new generation comes new music, new fashion trends, new movies, and all things that create the culture of the present society. Earlier in Diamond’s reflection, he states that there is a blurred line between what is considered beautiful and ugly since cultures are so different and ever-changing. Therefore, we can refer back to the definition of existentialism and come to the conclusion that if people are actually given this free will then they must face the struggle to become more cultured by differentiating between what they consider beautiful and ugly for themselves.