September 18, 2008

First Call for Help!

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:34 pm

Hi fellow researchers!

Thanks so much for looking over my proposal the other day and providing your insights on it.

I’m not sure if I am doing this correctly, but I believe that this would be the venue to ask for more of your wise help.  My research will be to examine the female protagonists of my two texts as being anti-heroines.  However, I am having some difficulties in trying to locate articles that deal specifically with examining the definition of a heroine and/or anti-heroine.  I was wondering if anyone had any advice for particular works or scholars that I should look more into.

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Have a great weekend and see you all next week!

Many Thanks,


Comments (2)


  1.   milushkach — September 19, 2008 @ 12:23 pm    

    Hi Chris,

    I may not be the most appropriate person to ask for advice, but I did read The Woman Warrior. If I remember correctly, you mentioned it in class, but I don’t know if it was in a positive or negative light.

    Why don’t you try a general search through J-Stor or maybe another database that deals with literature? In my case, I found that narrowing the topic too much (or searching for articles through very specific keywords) yielded, at most, 5-10 articles. If you only type one word, you might have to read a ridiculous number of abstracts, but might get additional ideas for your paper and find articles which you might have originally missed.

    Hope this helps!


  2.   lquinby — September 22, 2008 @ 8:39 pm    

    Hi Chris,

    Have you been looking in the MLA International Bibliography? If not, do that in the library and also look up both hero and anti-hero as well in some of the Guides to Literary terms (Abrams, etc., listed in the Craft of Research). Once you have the characteristics for the Hero, then you can move to the anti-hero. It is of course complicated when the gender switches. More on that later.

    In this regard, see this list of citations that are on the Female Hero in literature–it’s a starting point and perhaps only a few will be useful.

    This text comes up when trying to search: FRIEDMAN, EDWARD H. The Antiheroine’s Voice : Narrative Discourse and Transformations of the Picaresque, Columbia, University of Missouri Press. 1987, First. (ISBN: 0826206417).
    It might be worth a look, even though it is a bit dated.

    Just a start–
    Best, Lee

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