September 30, 2008

Apocalyptic Video

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Hello all,

So, as you known, I will be writing my Thesis on the depiction of the Apocalypse in Graphic Narratives.  My interest in End Times was part of the reason I took Professor Quinby’s Apocalypse course last Spring term. For one of our final assignments I chose to make a short film.  I decided to show one man’s journey into madness as he locks himself in his basement and waits for the end of the world. This version is a bit condensed simply because YouTube won’t let me upload anything over 10 minutes, but I think the film still works. Below is the link if you’d like to see it and perhaps understand what goes on in my head.  Enjoy.

It is entitled “Descent”

– Jesse

Comments (2)


  1.   lquinby — October 4, 2008 @ 8:56 am    

    Hi Jesse, thanks for putting this on our site! A just released news clip from the BBC is of relevance here. Titled “British Planned Taped Messages After Nuclear War,”here is the full story:

    but, for now scroll down to see their version of advice about not leaving home and using toilet water.
    GREGORY KATZ, Associated Press Writer Fri Oct 3, 1:20 AM ET
    LONDON – The doomsday script was never used by the British Broadcasting Corp., but decades later the message remains haunting.
    “This is the wartime broadcasting service,” the announcement begins. “This country has been attacked with nuclear weapons.”
    The decades-old statement continues: Communications have been severely disrupted, and the number of casualties and the extent of the damage are not yet known. The announcer promises to bring further information as soon as possible and tells listeners to stay tuned.
    A draft of the message was released by the National Archives on Friday, along with letters between government bureaucrats and BBC executives offering a rare glimpse at a Cold War secret plan to deal with a nuclear attack. . . .
    The draft script offered the public rudimentary instructions about how to try to stay clear of lethal radioactive fallout and advised people not to flee because they would be safer in their homes than anywhere else.
    “You may die” if you go outside, the announcer was to say.
    “Remember, there is nothing to be gained by trying to get away,” the script reads. “By leaving your houses you could be exposing yourselves to greater danger. If you leave you may find yourself without food, without water, without accommodation and without protection.”
    The public is told to turn off all fuel and gas supplies and to ration food because no fresh food can be expected for two weeks or longer. Water is also to be rationed for essential drinking and cooking needs — people are told not to flush their toilets because water will be too precious for that use.
    “Water means life,” the announcement states. “Don’t waste it.”

  2.   rbenmoshe — October 4, 2008 @ 1:03 pm    

    it sounds like jesse beat the BBC to it…

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