October 4, 2008

class question

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 7:00 pm

I have a different take about your class question. Instead of reading off questions at the end, the Moderator incorporated them all the way through. The issue of not having time at the end was about not taking questions from the audience. You as Macaulay students were highlighted. Macaulay students were thanked twice for having posed questions, first by the President of the Graduate Center, William Kelly, and then by the Moderator. In my view, he integrated your question with one that another student had asked (which was part of your brainstorming too and reflected in your formal question) and that was the question about empathy. Malushka has written wonderfully about Robinson’s response and also Kristof’s to that part of your “glorious question.” It’s time to start thinking about what you would like the next panelists to address on Economic Power.

Comment by lquinby — October 4, 2008 @ 6:54 pm

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