Hi Jesse,
I am not sure how interested you would be in this or how relevant it is to your topic (it seems as though it might help you with your research) but there is an event called The City’s End at the Graduate Center on November 24 at 6:30 pm. It addresses “fantasies, fears, and premonitions of New York’s Destruction.” Here’s the brief description I got from the grad center’s website.
At each stage of New York’s development over the past century, visions of how the city would be demolished, blown up, swallowed by the sea, or toppled by monsters have proliferated in films and science fiction novels, photography, painting, graphic arts, television advertisements, postcards, cartoons, and computer software. In a project begun well before September 11, but given a new importance in its wake Max Page, Professor of Art History, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, seeks to offer a critical historical perspective to our understanding of the recent disaster. Book signing to follow
I’m not going to to lie, this sounds pretty amazing, thanks for the heads up! I do believe I will try to sign up.
– Jesse