December 3, 2008

NCUR Abstract

Filed under: Proposals @ 12:58 am
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Here’s my abstract as it stands right now.  Feel free to shot me any feedback on it.  It’s really short but I don’t want to give too much more background.



This study utilizes Thomas Kuhn’s cyclic model of paradigm shifts and Paul Feyerabend’s criticisms of it to create a new model for the progression of paradigms in the history of science. This new ‘Poly-Cyclic Model’ takes Kuhn’s phases of the structure of scientific revolutions (Pre-Paradigm, Normal, and Revolutionary) and elucidates the effects of cultural and non-rational thought on the progression and regression of scientific paradigms. Through textual analysis of primary source material, this model is applied to classical western fields of medicine, the brain, and the mind—what is now called the medical and cognitive neurosciences, from the fifth millennia BCE to the early second millennia CE.

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