January 13, 2009

The Use of Visual Thought and Explaination in a Thesis

Filed under: Weekly Reflections @ 7:21 pm

So, I’ve been doing a great deal of reading over the past few weeks.  I must say, I wish we had two intersessions just so I could read some more.  I was wondering though, have any of you guys been working on figures or diagrams for your papers?  Given the anatomical portion of my paper I have been working on a few, and I must say images seem to make everything clearer.  I know its trite, but a picture really is worth a thousand words.  I don’t know if Professor Quinby would agree, but I have found drawing incredibly useful in organizing my thoughts and helping to explain the content of my paper.  I know it isn’t too stylish, but I have been working around this timeline that I must say has been immeasurably useful as well.  Do you guys agree at all?

Best wishes,


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