Hey everyone,
I received an e-mail the other day from the NCUR committee saying that my abstract was accepted for the conference. =) I was wondering if anyone else heard back from them as well.
Greg, I definitely agree that the use of diagrams and pictures can be extremely beneficial for explaining different parts of the thesis. It has been helpful for me to chart out separate parts of my arguments to allow me to refocus my thoughts. However, the use of visual aid in presenting my thesis would probably not help in clarifying my presentation to an audience. I think that it definitely would for your thesis though, especially since you are essentially creating a new model. It would be great to physically see from which points your model builds upon and differs from the two previous models.
Reading up on my research, I came across many ideas about the subjectivity of history. There are so manys way through which the passage of time and experience can be recalled. In addition to the documentation of history through grand events and political figures, there are also the memories of details and fragments of culture, even fashion, that could at times shed even more light upon the raw truth of society captured within a certain place and time. Furthermore, I also came to believe that when we may at times possess idealistic illusions regarding our world, our self, and others, disillusionment can be a very liberating and rewarding occurrence.
See you guys soon,
Hi Chris, I think you could use visuals for your presentation as a way of giving your audience a sense of the era of the fictional works you are discussing. It would be useful for you to do a Google image search for your authors, the book cover, and some photographs of the period. When you discuss Orientalism, for example, you could show a photograph that captures that stereotypical depiction. In other words, consider it as a possibility.
Best, Lee
Congratulations, Chris.
Hey Chris,
Congratulations! I’ll be going as well.