Archive for February, 2009

February 7, 2009

Great Issues Forum on Military Power

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 1:46 pm

Hi everyone, mark your calendars if you want to attend the next Great Issues Forum at the Grad Center on March 10.  And be sure to send in your electronic reservation as well:

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February 6, 2009

My Model — A Clarification

Filed under: Weekly Reflections @ 11:55 am

Hey guys, Just a short note, I was going to respond to Chris’ response with this, but it’s probably best to make it it’s own post. My Thesis revolves around only one previously set model, not two.  Thomas Kuhn proposed the first model for scientific revolutions, and Paul Feyerabend criticized it (he didn’t propose his […]

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February 5, 2009

quick question

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 12:42 am

Hi guys…just a quick question regarding my paper Would you suggest giving specifics of an abortion law or just stating certain “relevant” aspects of it…by specific I mean as to who can perform the procedure and where (so basically the requirements of an abortion clinic or the type of doctor who can and the level […]

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February 4, 2009

Gotham Center History Forum — Gastropolis: Food and New York City

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 1:15 pm
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I’m going to this seminar/lecture/thing about food and New York (two of my favorite things) at the Graduate Center on March 11th at 6:30. If anyone is interested in going, let me know! Sounds fun. The link is below: – Jesse

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