March 26, 2009

Feelings of Frustration

Filed under: Uncategorized,Weekly Reflections @ 1:47 pm

Hi everyone,

Sorry, this post may sound completely abnormal but I just needed to vent my frustrations on the writing part of the thesis.

As I sat down to write my thesis for the upcoming deadline 2 weeks ago, I just didn’t realize how time consuming it could be. First, I guess I should clarify that while I have been working on and off the thesis since semester started, the past couple of weeks has really been the period that I have done some what I consider my REAL, concrete work. But now that I am in the midst of writing the paper (even as I write this post) I think I have seriously underestimated the time it takes to write the paper. I should have been forewarned by the book we have been using in class but for some reason I just did not see it coming. I have been promising myself that I’ll be done with a certain section of my paper for the past 2-3 days and guess what? I am still working on that same section, not because I did not work on it for the past couple of days but because there is just SO much information I have collected. I did not notice how much data I had piled on the various segments of the paper. I suppose I should be grateful that I have all this great information, which I am but its making writing the paper very difficult. Right now I have such a jumbled mess inside my brain. I know the points I need to make but just writing it all down on paper/computer is taking forever and I am getting very impatient and frustrated. All these different sub-topics are pulling me in different directions while I hasten to get all my ideas down before I lose track of them in my mind. This process is making me want to scream in frustration!!!!! 

I think I should stop there and get back to the paper.

By the way, good luck with your drafts!



Comments (3)


  1.   gregperrin — March 26, 2009 @ 10:58 pm    

    Good luck to you too!

    I’ve been the same way–even though I’ve been really on top of it. This weekend wont be fun. It’s not like I haven’t expressed my ideas yet, its that I don’t like how they sound yet. We’re our own worst critics, right?

    I just cant believe this is almost over, i feel like I just asked my advisor to be my advisor.


  2.   lquinby — March 28, 2009 @ 9:59 am    

    Yes, sometimes it helps to vent. Hope you got it out of your system. Some folks experience panic around this time; others frustration or anger. Just turn all that energy into mental zest for your insights and arguments and you will be fine!

    As for knowing how your ideas will sound in full form, don’t forget that you will soon hear from me and your advisor about that and still have time to revise and polish.

  3.   Roy Ben-Moshe — April 2, 2009 @ 9:15 am    

    This last weekend was all 12 hour writing sessions. Sorta fun, sorta miserable, a bit of crying, yet pretty rewarding. Nevertheless, there is much more work to be done. How on earth do scholars write books?

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