Fall Calendar


1   Aug. 27
Introductions and expectations.  Discussion of research interests and how you will work with your advisor.
Discussion of attendance at Great Issues Forum Events and one blog response on the Great Issues Forum website.

2   Sept. 3
Reading from The Craft of Research, Prologue, chapters 1, 2, and 3, and pages 273-76.
Autobiographical Statement due: 2 pages.  Your statement should focus on how your personal background and interests have lead to your research area.  Also speculate on ways to connect with your readers (chapter 2) and indicate what your key questions are at this point (chapter 3).

3   Sept. 10
Reading from The Craft of Research, chapters 4, 5 and 6, and Appendix, pp. 283-311 (for your areas).
Research bibliographies and background sources.
Position Paper due:  2 pages. Choose 2 relevant sources, provide bibliographical data for each, and engage with the sources as shown in Chapter 6.
Present findings to class.

4   Sept. 17
Signed Advisor Sheet due.
Reading from The Craft of Research, chapters 7 and 8
Draft of Proposal of Topic due: 2 pages. Peer evaluation in-class. Bring hard copies for all members of our class and for me.

5  Sept. 24
Revised Proposal of Topic due: 2 pages. (Hard copy for me and one for your advisor.) Include discussion of the methods of research and analysis employed in your field.

6  Oct. 1
NO CUNY CLASSES (work on annotations)

7  Oct. 8
NO CUNY CLASSES (work on annotations)

8  Oct. 15
Reading from The Craft of Research, chapters 9 and 10.
Annotated Bibliography due: 10-12 sources. (Hard copy for me and one for your advisor). In addition to noting the source’s thesis, annotations should acknowledge and respond to key arguments regarding your topic.

9  Oct. 22
Reading from The Craft of Research, chapter 11.
Position Paper due: 2-3 pages. Warrant three of your major claims; be ready to present and defend in class.

10  Oct. 29
Reading from The Craft of Research, chapters 12 and 13.

11  Nov. 5
Position Paper due:  8-10 pages. (Hard copy for me and one for your advisor.)

12  Nov. 12
Drafting.  Individual Conferences.

13  Nov. 19
Drafting. Individual Conferences.

14  Nov. 26
Drafting. Individual Conferences.

15  Dec. 3
Drafting. Individual Conferences.

16  Dec. 10
First Semester Draft due: 25 pages plus bibliography. Hard copy for me and for your advisor.

Final Exam Period
Your advisor’s comments on First Semester Draft due to me by email and signed form sent to me by regular mail.

Winter Recess
Continue to research and develop your thesis.

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