Author Archives: Rosemarie Dominguez

Rosie, Rebecca, Kat, Emily, Kiran – Storm Surge and Housing/Transportation

We decided a powerpoint would work best for our presentation.  It will include pictures, audio clips, visual projections, and animations to illustrate our research.  We have already done 3 interviews that will be incorporated into the powerpoint.

Here is the outline of what we discusses today:


1- Do we want a powerpoint instead of a video?

2-Audio/video bits in powerpoint

3- Data

-stats for damage in storm surge

-flood zones

-projections for storm surge


-flood heights and distance


Here is the layout of our slides:

Powerpoint Slides:

1- What is Storm Surge?

2- Why is it a problem? What are the effects?

3- What does it look like? (Hurricane Sandy)

4- Climate Change (science, stats, atypicality)

5- What these kinds of storms do to a city like NYC? (personal next)

6- What could it look like in the future? (stats and projections, maps, charts, graphs)

7 – Planning – public institutions (DOT interview)

8- DOT’s plans for hurricane, how they reacted, what the aftermath looked like

9- What they did well and what they (and the city) could do better (lessons – or non-lessons from Sandy)

10- Recovery efforts, what it looks like and what it needs to look like in the future

We also have a list of references which we are using to collect data.

Here is the division of work:

Emily – pick out parts of the audio clip that can be put directly into the powerpoint

Rebecca & Kat – pick out direct quotes that can be typed into the powerpoint

Rosie – create beginning slides that will lead into the personal accounts

Kiran – find charts/graphs that illustrate Sandy AND projections