Rosie, Rebecca, Kat, Emily, Kiran – Storm Surge and Housing/Transportation

We decided a powerpoint would work best for our presentation.  It will include pictures, audio clips, visual projections, and animations to illustrate our research.  We have already done 3 interviews that will be incorporated into the powerpoint.

Here is the outline of what we discusses today:


1- Do we want a powerpoint instead of a video?

2-Audio/video bits in powerpoint

3- Data

-stats for damage in storm surge

-flood zones

-projections for storm surge


-flood heights and distance


Here is the layout of our slides:

Powerpoint Slides:

1- What is Storm Surge?

2- Why is it a problem? What are the effects?

3- What does it look like? (Hurricane Sandy)

4- Climate Change (science, stats, atypicality)

5- What these kinds of storms do to a city like NYC? (personal next)

6- What could it look like in the future? (stats and projections, maps, charts, graphs)

7 – Planning – public institutions (DOT interview)

8- DOT’s plans for hurricane, how they reacted, what the aftermath looked like

9- What they did well and what they (and the city) could do better (lessons – or non-lessons from Sandy)

10- Recovery efforts, what it looks like and what it needs to look like in the future

We also have a list of references which we are using to collect data.

Here is the division of work:

Emily – pick out parts of the audio clip that can be put directly into the powerpoint

Rebecca & Kat – pick out direct quotes that can be typed into the powerpoint

Rosie – create beginning slides that will lead into the personal accounts

Kiran – find charts/graphs that illustrate Sandy AND projections

3 thoughts on “Rosie, Rebecca, Kat, Emily, Kiran – Storm Surge and Housing/Transportation

  1. Maggie Dickinson

    You guys are covering a lot of ground. I think its possible, but you’ll have to be very concise with a lot of this information. You should definitely write up everything you want to say and time it to make sure you can get through it all in 10 minutes.

    1. Rebecca

      This outline just contains all of the points we want to get through. Our plan doesn’t include going through each one in great depth, instead we’re combining a lot of these points in our speaking notes, so our actual finished project will be more condensed than this seems. We were just using this to compile our information. =]

  2. Leonard Rodberg

    Your outline so far seems to have too many topics to be manageable within the time you have available for your presentation. You need to develop a realistic outline/”story board” that will guide the development of your presentation. Also, I would hope that some of you are working with Kiran in assembling the data and illustrations and not leaving it all to her!


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