Macaulay Honors College Seminar 4 | Professor Robin Rogers

Chapter 4 Response Paper- Anisha Lall

This week’s reading in the CQ Researcher touched on a problem plaguing the science community and the entire world: air pollution and climate change. In the analysis of statistics and several viewpoints provided by the CQ Researcher, the complexity regarding solving the issues are illuminated upon and dissected. On one hand, there is the claim that the implementation of the Clean Power Plan under the Obama administration can cause economic distress on the United States. More specifically, enforcing such regulation is claimed by companies that there will be a job shortage in their fields and it will be too costly. However, proponents of the plan state that the execution of these policies hopes to decrease in CO2 emissions by 32% in 2030. Considering the health risks such as asthma and premature deaths CO2 can pose, this plan seems like it can help lessen the negative effects excessive CO2 has on the health of people.

However, the possibility of saving many lives didn’t seem appealing enough for people like Jeff Holmstead who made the assertion that while companies are concerned about greenhouse gas emissions, the Clean Power Plan is unlawful. His comment was backed by commentary from people such as Mike Pence who declared Obama’s plan ignored “ the separation of powers enshrined in our nation’s Constitution.” Ironically enough, in the short time the Trump Administration has taken office, a series of executive orders have been passed that can possibly threaten the already fragile environmental state of the United States. As with many other policies up for debate in this country, the issue of climate change has reached a point where we must all decide whether the next dollar for companies will be sacrificed for the greater well-being of the general public.

1 Comment

  1. Prof Rogers

    Right now the economic argument seems to be winning.

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