With the rise of the “Black Lives Matter” movement in high gear, the concept of racial profiling is called into question. According to the CQ Researcher, African Americans and Hispanics are disproportionately much more likely to be stopped than whites. An example given was by a study conducted in Maryland that found 72% of those stopped by police were African Americans. To see such statistics that back up what I had previously been taught in classes as well as what I have heard from the experiences of others, was truly difficult to grasp. Race is a socially constructed entity so to have based a lineage of criminality on it is a notion I cannot seem to make full sense of.

Racial profiling is very commonly referred to in the context of stop-and-frisks. When asked about the topic, MacDonald stated that the implementation of stop-and-frisk policies led to a decline in crime during the 1990s. She claims that because of this, minority groups benefit and it helps to create a safer environment for low-income areas. However, I have a couple areas of concerns regarding this. The first being there is the possibility that increasing enforcement in these areas can create tension between the residents and law officials. The second being while I do think there is a certain level of law enforcement and policing needed in crime-prone areas, I do also believe there are greater problems that also need some looking into. It’s important to look at why heavier policing is seen as being needed, what does that say and what can be done to fix any potential issues?