We elected our first black president in 2008 and many americans felt that it signaled the end the long history of oppression of black people in the united states. Yes, in the present day we are seeing more and more black people in high-positions of power, but they also experience discrimination in law enforcement. Videos of unarmed black americans being beaten, shot, and killed have created a divide between police and the black community. Due to these numerous horrific deaths, Black Lives Matter, a movement in which people of all races are fighting for justice for black people has gained a lot of traction. They also experience institutional racism throughout their lives.

The racial gaps within education and employment are prevalent. Many African Americans who face jail time, can’t re-enter society or find work and are forced to live a life of poverty and use illegal means to make money. And considering far too many people are being incarcerated each year, for small crimes that are targeted by police to prevent larger crimes from being committed (a controversial policing strategy), this employment issue is far-reaching. With regards to education, It is noted that kids who do well in school, have a greater chance of success later. And those who do well, often have a strong support system at home. But doing well has not been easy for blacks. They are often in schools where the majority of students are poor, and compared to whites they are extremely behind in math and reading. Many people want to desegregate schools again because while technically black and white students are going to school together, it is not in proportionate numbers.  Also, students must go to schools within their community and if they live in a poor one, chances are their school is not being given adequate funding or resources.

While glaring racism is not a regular occurrence anymore, more subtle institutionalized racism is still happening every day. Considering the issues for black people are starting when they are just beginning school, it is difficult for them to have any sort of upward mobility. If we are going to start somewhere, it should be in the schools. It is in school where a child’s life is carved out.