Macaulay Honors College Seminar 4 | Professor Robin Rogers

Author: kayla96h

Response Paper

The recession in 2007 made our economy suffer tremendously. My father, for instance, was working in the mortgage business for over ten years and lost his job. Thankfully, we never faced poverty but our economy is still suffering and hasn’t fully recovered yet. Poverty is an issue that countless administrations have tried to solve. And each one has come up with different ways to combat poverty. Considering poverty is still so prevalent today, there hasn’t been any policy or program that has been able to win the “war on poverty”. Poverty is caused by “racism, crime, unemployment, poor schools, family breakdown, high incarceration rates…” There are food stamps and lower-cost housing for people living in poverty, but public assistance isn’t helping them become independent. Instead, they remain dependent on the government; something they themselves don’t want.

The thing that strikes me about poverty is that people who are working full-time jobs cannot support themselves. Working minimum wage, as I’ve said in past responses, is not sufficient to live off of. Both democrats and republicans agree that our economy needs to grow and that there need to be more, better-paying jobs in order to help alleviate poverty. But the parties don’t agree when it comes to raising the minimum wage. Democrats make a good point that the minimum wage should reflect the times and the inflation rates. More than 40% of employable working-age adults are working full-time and they should be able to live off of their salary. Those opposed to a minimum wage raise, explain that a raise could get rid of the number of entry-level jobs. They also see the salary that workers are being paid lining up with their value, and their output. When their value increases, their salary will increase. They believe that people living in poverty won’t be hired at all for jobs because they won’t be willing to pay them the new minimum wage.

Chapters 9 & 11

When I think of homelessness in New York, I think of the homeless people on the subways reciting their life stories to each car. And I think about how almost every person in the subway car averts their eyes. We all look away when in reality most of us want to help. We also know that giving the change in our pockets won’t solve the issue of homelessness.

The only way to solve an issue is to know its cause, and there are numerous reasons explained in the reading. Disability, a history of trauma, mental illness, and substance abuse all cause many people to be homeless. Another major issue is that being employed is not enough to stay off the streets. While unemployment causes many to be homeless, there are just as many people who are employed and are still homeless. This is because they have to put far too much of their income towards rent. More than 11 million households spend more than 50% of their income on rent. It is an unsustainable way to live; they simply don’t have enough money to pay rent, buy food, and afford healthcare. Eventually, their low-incomes cause them to lose their homes. Raising the minimum wage is one way in which some people believe people can get out of poverty and be able to afford rent. On the other hand, by raising the minimum wage, rent may be raised even higher. In order to see a decrease in homelessness, there needs to be more affordable housing.

Not only should people have a roof over their heads, but they should be living in communities in which they are given the opportunity to succeed. A solid education, good health care, and quality job prospects are essential. Segregation is still a huge issue within communities, and it is causing concentrated poverty. Our current system is setting people up to fail. Something has to change.

Response Paper

We elected our first black president in 2008 and many americans felt that it signaled the end the long history of oppression of black people in the united states. Yes, in the present day we are seeing more and more black people in high-positions of power, but they also experience discrimination in law enforcement. Videos of unarmed black americans being beaten, shot, and killed have created a divide between police and the black community. Due to these numerous horrific deaths, Black Lives Matter, a movement in which people of all races are fighting for justice for black people has gained a lot of traction. They also experience institutional racism throughout their lives.

The racial gaps within education and employment are prevalent. Many African Americans who face jail time, can’t re-enter society or find work and are forced to live a life of poverty and use illegal means to make money. And considering far too many people are being incarcerated each year, for small crimes that are targeted by police to prevent larger crimes from being committed (a controversial policing strategy), this employment issue is far-reaching. With regards to education, It is noted that kids who do well in school, have a greater chance of success later. And those who do well, often have a strong support system at home. But doing well has not been easy for blacks. They are often in schools where the majority of students are poor, and compared to whites they are extremely behind in math and reading. Many people want to desegregate schools again because while technically black and white students are going to school together, it is not in proportionate numbers.  Also, students must go to schools within their community and if they live in a poor one, chances are their school is not being given adequate funding or resources.

While glaring racism is not a regular occurrence anymore, more subtle institutionalized racism is still happening every day. Considering the issues for black people are starting when they are just beginning school, it is difficult for them to have any sort of upward mobility. If we are going to start somewhere, it should be in the schools. It is in school where a child’s life is carved out.

Gangs and Women

It was interesting to read that women are involved in gangs more often than in the past. In some circumstances, it is completely out of their control and against their will. Women, particularly young girls, are sex trafficked. Because prostitution and credit card fraud go unnoticed by police, and are considered lesser crimes than violent crimes and drug dealing, gang members are increasingly choosing to earn money in these less risky ways so that if they are caught, they will face less jail time. The idea that women are also choosing to take on leadership roles in gangs made me think of last week’s reading.

Last week, we were discussing that women are not subjected to being stopped and frisked by the police frequently because it is less likely that they are doing something illegal or are carrying out criminal activity. With this reading, I am realizing even that judgment is incorrect. While the numbers are still small, more women than ever before are becoming active in gangs. In the chapter, Christina Hoag says that girls, more so than boys, are joining gangs for the protection and “family” they provide. The majority of these women report that their actual family members have abused them, sexually and physically. However, Hoag points out that the women are not protected, rather they are treating badly by the men gang members. Some women are used for prostitution, while others buy weapons or hide drugs or even fugitives. Women are the secret weapon of the gangs because they are not suspected by the police.

From using the internet, to committing “low priority” crimes, gangs are changing with the times and finding new ways to stay strong. Simply putting more people behind bars isn’t helping to prevent gangs from committing crimes. We have to make sure our youth don’t join them in the first place. They need to feel that they have another, preferably legal way of making money and feel that they will be safe if they don’t align themselves with a gang. As I’m realizing more and more, that won’t be easy. There are many more definitive problems than there are solutions.

Racial Profiling

Having read that Black and Latino drivers were stopped at a much higher rate than Whites, and yet they were much less likely to find evidence of crime, is a clear sign that racial profiling is very wrong. I think it goes to show that white people are only pulled over when they are clearly doing something illegal or suspicious. On the other hand, minorities have to fear being pulled over, or stopped and frisked, for the way they look. Not only are they stopped but there have been far too many deaths of unarmed black people, specifically young people.

With Facebook Live, and people filming these horrific events, more people than ever are realizing the issues with policing. The relationship between the police and the black community is strained. There is so much tension. I am a white woman; I don’t have to fear that the police are out to get me. They need to every day. Instead of thinking that the police want to protect them, they are unfairly targeted as criminals. This issue is so difficult because cops need to know that they can protect themselves, but they also need to learn when their unconscious bias is causing them to see things that aren’t there, like a weapon. On a daily basis, officers need to use intuition and logic. A feeling that someone is suspicious should not be based on someone’s skin color.

I’m realizing more and more that there are no simple solutions to these issues. We need to profile, in some capacity, to be safe, and act intelligently. We are constantly judging people based on appearances, age, gender etc. to decide whether we are in a safe or dangerous situation or with dangerous people. However, the gut feeling that cops are following, that people of color are more suspicious, is incorrect. There needs to be extensive training for cops to learn how to pick up on actual suspicious activity, and how to proceed with things without the situation escalating. When documenting the “stop and frisk”, they should have to describe the suspicious activity. It can’t just be a feeling based on the race of the individual.


The Issue of Attendance

“The kids are improving every year. We’re an A rated school. There are still children that do not come to school. We have a 90-92% attendance, that leaves 8-10% of students that are either coming late to school or are not coming at all. I’ve found as a guidance counselor the biggest issue is when the child isn’t coming to school. We just had the 100th day of school celebration and some of the kids have already missed 40 days. I call the parents and tell them their child won’t be able to get into a good Junior High. The good Junior Highs don’t want to take the kids with bad attendance, because if they’re not sitting in their seat, then they can’t teach them. I love my job, but I do worry at night, sometimes, because there are so many kids that are in really serious situations.”

-Public School Guidance Counselor

Response Paper: Air Pollution & Climate Change

Air Pollution poses our greatest environmental health risk. In America, 55,000 people die as a result each year. It causes strokes, heart attacks, as well as many diseases and cancers. On a global level, it causes climate change; meaning more frequent natural disasters, the loss of species, and flooding from the rising sea levels. And yet, the issues of climate change and air pollution are not taken seriously very often. New York is one of the most polluted cities in the country and yet I hardly think about the quality of the air I am breathing. This issue is so overlooked, even though, if we continue emitting more and more greenhouse gasses each year, air pollution deaths will double in 35 years.

President Obama decided to take climate change seriously by tackling the electricity-generating power plants that account for 37% of the United States carbon emissions. He intended to lower the number of premature deaths in the US and to work toward a better future for the earth. His “Clean Power Plan” was not widely accepted by the public or in Washington. Many feared that the plan would make electricity costs higher, and cost many Americans their jobs. Those opposed felt that Obamas executive order would be too costly and was an “overreach of Government”. Much like President Trump, who has been using executive orders to pursue his agenda. Interestingly enough, then-governor Mike Pence was against Obama bypassing congress and using executive order, and yet now has been supportive of Trumps executive actions.  President Obamas plan would be expensive. It was estimated that 1.4 billion dollars would be lost each year, however, 3-6 billion would be saved because fewer people would be getting sick, or fatally ill from air pollution.

The Majority of Americans, from both parties, want to lower our carbon footprint. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, it is understandable that the toxic fumes coming from our cars, factories, and power plants are harmful to breathe in, and our harmful for our earth.

Video Response Paper- Kayla Herstic

Brandon Stanton, the creator of Humans of New York, expressed that what’s most important in an interview is getting to the truth. Stanton explained that he wants to put out the actual story of the individual he is speaking to, not a pre-planned message about society. This has become increasingly difficult as people know about HONY and may try to sound more “purposeful” in their conversations with him. Aware of this, he knows how to move the conversation away from phony responses and get to what is real. The point is; if you’re trying to fit someone into a box, you’re not listening.

Truth was one of the main focuses in Getting People to Talk: An Ethnography & Interviewing Primer as well. They emphasized that an interviewer should not write from their own perspective, but from the perspective of the person they are interviewing. In other words, don’t filter what you hear through your own frame of mind. They also mentioned that people may believe they are speaking the truth about themselves, but may not be. Similar to our reading, where the interviewer said that he speaks to the friends of the person he is profiling to get a better idea of who the person is. Sometimes our friends know more about ourselves than we do. That is why ethnographers go to their interviewee’s homes, or where they are most comfortable, so that their belongings, in a sense, can speak for them.

The best way to get to the truth is to connect with the person you are interviewing. If someone feels that they are not being judged, that they can speak openly and honestly, and that they are genuinely being heard, a much greater story may come out of your interview. Today, the question “How are you?” isn’t viewed as a genuine question, which is why everyone responds superficially and often dishonestly with “good”. Interviewing can go similarly unless it is clear that you want to know their real answer to your questions, and that you are interested in what they have to say.