Macaulay Honors College Seminar 4 | Professor Robin Rogers

Author: Steven Zaslowsky

CQ Chapter 12

While reading this chapter, there was one thought that kept popping up in my head. Every time that the talk was shifted to minimum wage for lower level employees and training people how to do those jobs, I couldn’t help but feel that this is not the best way to address poverty. If anything, I think it might hurt in the long run.

The fact of the matter is that those lower level jobs that people want to try and help so much and becoming obsolete. The less ‘skill’ it takes to do a job, the easier it is to get some machine to do it. Eventually, technology will even take over jobs that require a lot of skill. That is just the direction that the world is heading in. So while you might be helping some of the people for the time being by raising they wages, it will do them no good in 5 years when a robot takes their job completely.

Since that is the case, I just felt like there should be more focus on alternative methods to reduce the enormous poverty level in this country; something that could have a lot more of a lasting impact then dealing with wages and training for jobs that might not exist soon. You could still focus on getting people in the workforce, because that is the best way to help get people out of poverty and out of trouble, but the focus should be geared in a different direction.


Chapters 9 and 11

If not already apparent, these two chapters in the CQ Reader made it abundantly clear just how big of a problem there is with homelessness in this country. It has gotten to the point where it can no longer be ignored, or even downplayed; and it reached that point years ago. The numbers that were presented in these readings tell it all, especially the fact that one in every five homeless person is a child.

So we have come to the obviously conclusion that something must be done. However, that is the only easy part about this topic. Once you dive into the world of how to fix the homeless problem in America it becomes a lot more difficult to come to an easy and sound conclusion.

The main program that was addressed in the reading of chapter 9 was the Housing First approach. There are aspects of this plan that are, in fact, good ideas and will likely benefit a large number of families and people that are currently homeless in this country. However, despite that it can help some portion of the homeless population, for a large portion of it, this plan will not only not help but will harm.

There are many different reasons that a family or individual is forced into a homeless state; too numerous to mention. For many people that have no homes it is due to economical reasons: either housing prices got too high, they lost their job for the time being, etc. These are the type of people that Housing First should jump on; they are the ones that will benefit greatly from a program like these. Many times, people in this situation just needed a couple more months, or something around there, to be able to get back on their feet. That is what this program would give them the opportunity for; instead of forcing them to the street (or homeless shelters, or any other form of homelessness) too early and starting a change reaction that sees this family out of a home for years to come. On the other hand, there are just as many, if not more, people that giving a home to will accomplish nothing. These people are the ones who, for some reason or another, were actually their own cause for them being homeless and will possibly just slip right back into the same predicament they were in before. Regarding these people, help of a different kind is needed; we need to address the root of the problem, not give them another chance while hoping something new occurs that didn’t last time.



Chapter 8 CQ Response

The issue of race relations in this country is a very complicated issue, obviously. Similar to what I said in the response paper for a couple chapters ago, whether or not you believe that there is actually institutional racism present and in effect in America or not, at the end of the day, doesn’t make such a big difference. The fact is that there is a significant portion of the population that feels like they are being marginalized and treated unfairly. That, i feel like, can be fixed and/or dealt with.

I do, however, believe that many issues regarding this topic can, and are, blown out of proportion and not handled, or processed, in the correct way. Whenever you focus intensely on any one thing, you can find many many things that are broken in it; and especially when you are emotionally invested in it. That happens quite often in a lot of issues, and in this one as well because of how serious it becomes when there are people dying at such a rate that took place.

An offshoot of what I just wrote can be the downplay of other major issues as well. When one, very specific, issue becomes the focus, to a point where it seems to be the only issue, that is a problem. The tension between white officers and black citizens in this country is obviously a problem; but it is very likely not the problem. It becomes easy to not pay attention to other factors, and facts in general. Things like 93 percent of black homicide victims being killed by other black people and only 7 percent and 16 percent of black students performing at or above proficient levels in math and reading, respectively.

There are many other problems that have to be addressed. Given that, somehow, the relations between police and African Americans was patched up, there would still exist all the other issues that were discussed in this chapter. However, if you target some of the other issues then that could very likely play a role in fixing the relationship and problems that come along with the police.

Response Paper Chapter 7

The main takeaway I got from reading Chapter 7 of the CQ Reader was the fact that, not only are gangs still prevalent, but they are becoming more of a problem; and that they are spreading with regard to what they do. Usually a gang is thought of in the most simplest of terms and in the way they have been portrayed in movies and the like for years: a group of guys who hang out together and fight ‘turf wars’  with other gangs. However, that is far from what gangs are or have become. This chapter informs you that there are now many woman who not only join gangs, but are leaders of gangs, and that what gangs do with their time has changed drastically as well. While another label people might have been used to associating with gangs was the fact that they weren’t the brightest, gangs today are stepping up their game; they are hacking, scamming banks, running well organized prostitution rings, etc.

The fact that the advancement of technology has been something gangs have used to become more spread out and effective is the least bit surprising at all. The internet has become a place where, anybody who wants to spread a certain ideal, recruit people to their ’cause’, or incite/rile up people, can accomplish their task extremely easily by using Facebook or Youtube or any other platform. Gangs aren’t the only groups to realize how the internet can help them and utilize it; terrorist groups around the world have taken to the worldwide web to do recruiting and incite attacks also. That is something that, in my opinion, can’t be so hard to track. Meaning, with all the intelligence and technology this country has, we should be able to find the posts or accounts of gangs/ gang members and just stop them from posting. It’s something that should be done with terrorists groups as well but hasn’t and the same thing applies to gangs.

With regard to the injunctions, it’s hard to believe that is the best way experts have come up with on how to stop gangs. This country is, as Judge Cohen said a couple weeks ago, a place that believes in and prides itself on second chances. So if someone was in a gang and decided that it was wrong and that they wanted to turn their life around for the better, why would we ever put obstacles in his or her path and keep that person on a list that associates them with gangs? While the idea behind these injunctions might be correct and might actually work, the implementation and way it’s carried out has to be changed.


CQ Chapter 6- Response

Racial profiling is an extremely complex and broad issue. Although this reader does a good job giving you two sides of the argument, a mere 20 pages is not enough information to have read to accurately come to a conclusion on whether there is truly a racial profiling issue in this country. I have heard both sides, besides for what is presented in this chapter, and I can’t definitevly say whether there is a hundred percent a real issue within out police departments, country-wide, with racial profiling.

However, I think that regardless of whether there actually is this phenomenon of racial profiling, there are problems that exist within this country and it’s police officers. The fact that there are (as of 2015) 73% of Blacks in this country that think they are treated less fairly is unacceptable. Whether it is justified or not, or true or not, it’s a problem. You can not have a significant part of your population feeling like they are treated differently than everyone else. That’s what this country has been fighting against for decades. In addition to that, the level of distrust in our police officers has risen to a level that is also way too high. The people that are supposed to be the ones you call at a time of need, when you are looking for help, should not be people that an entire population of people have no trust in and think that calling for their help will end up harming them even more. Again, it makes no difference whether there is racial profiling taking place or not. In order to get to this point, where a big chunk of the American population fear the police instead of look up to the police, then something went wrong, whatever that might be.

It’s easy to look at the amount of killings that has taken place recently and just throw your arms in the air and yell that it’s due solely to racial profiling. I think that is a terrible way to go about it. First off, like i said above, there is a lot of information and statistics behind this, that you can’t take a few samples and decide that that is the general rule. Every time a human beings life is taken, there is, usually, a lot more to the story of how that tragedy happened than what we know. Despite what people might want to claim, most officers are not just thirsting to kill people, and specifically black people. Killing someone is not something most people ever want to do in their life. So before pinning someone as a racist who just wants to kill black people, or any other claim along those lines, stop and think for a second if you really think that’s true.

Given that, there are some disturbing killings that have taken place. Even if you claim that some of these were warranted, which not all were, the way they are handled is terrible. For a 17 year old kid, or anyone for that matter, to be shot 16 times by the police after being called for breaking into cars is absolutely absurd. There is zero excuse for that and things like that just feed the fire of distrust and hate brewing amongst the american public.

So, like i said, I don’t have enough information and haven’t done enough research to know whether this issue is a real issue or not. But that doesn’t take away from all the other issues that stem from this and that relate to this. There are many, they are all serious and they must all be dealt with.

The Highway That Never Moves in The City That Never Sleeps

“The Van Wyck is the worst highway in the world. I hate it. I’ve been taking it to work for almost 30 years and it gets worse as the years pass by. It could take twice as long to get where I need to go. The thing I don’t understand is that, since the first day I drove into the city until today, this stupid highway has had construction being done on it, yet I just recently saw, for the first time, any difference whatsoever. It had become a joke amongst me and my friends as to how long they could work on something without changing anything. What have they been doing for all these years? I’ve always wondered how much money has been put into this project. Even though they finally made a physical change to the actually highway, there still seems to be something else almost everyday that causes a huge backup. They’ll never be able to fix the Van Wyck”

CQ Chapter 4 Response

This chapter in Urban Issues showed me that, like pretty much everything, there are two sides to this whole issue, each with legitimate concerns, and neither looking willing to budge. Whether or not you agree or not with what has been transpiring in this country regarding the way we are treating climate change, you have to see that the other side does have real claims that have to be heard and possibly dealt with. That is one thing I liked a lot about this reading; it gives you both sides of the argument in an unbiased manner, something extremely hard to find nowadays. As someone who is obviously aware of climate change and the effects it has, I did not know as much regarding the politics behind all of it. Reading this gave me a lot of information about the issues that arise with the government getting involved with climate change.

While there are still be people out there who would like to try and deny climate change and the effects that air pollution has, they are mistaken and can only realistically still hold on to that fallacy for a little while longer. However, the main issue that comes up with things like Obama’s Clean Power Plan is government regulations. Whenever that gets thrown into something, the issue automatically takes on a lot larger argument. People will never be fully comfortable with the government being the ones to tell private companies what they can and can not do. Regardless of if someone might agree with the what a certain bill or order accomplishes, they might oppose it solely because of it’s association with the fact that the government is now regulating something. So that is one major issue that come up in all this.

Another thing that the CQ spoke about was the effect that Obama’s plan would have on many families and individuals. There are many effects across the board, from rising prices of electricity to loss of jobs, and people are, rightfully, cautious about them. Naturally, as stated in the reader, many Republicans are the ones who voice these concerns and they are legitimate. The economy is always a central part of any discussion, and it is not only taking place here. Towards the end of this chapter it talks about how other countries will have to “find ways to implement they pledges they made” at the Paris conference and many of them will deal with the same issue of controlling how much we contribute to air pollution, while trying not to hurt their economy as much as possible.

Regarding the other side, the arguments for are pretty self explanatory. Just looking at the chart on page 75 shows the fact that air pollution has to be dealt with, one way or another. Government intervention and enforcement is definitely one way to go about it; however, as mentioned earlier that is not always so simple. Many argue that changes are already occurring and we should just let the adaption to better sources for cleaner air happen naturally. While that might be true, the changes that are taking place are likely not sufficient enough to have as much of an effect, as soon as they needed.

The fact of the matter is that this issue is not as simple as whether or not you believe climate change is a serious matter and whether it needs to be dealt with. Like most things, it can’t be boiled down to one issue. These 20 pages show that there are many things to take into account and they all must be discussed and thought about. At the end of they day, there will be things that both sides don’t like, regardless of whatever happens; but hopefully the negatives are left to a minimum and for the most part, compromises will be reached.

Video Response, Steven Zaslowsky

The main thing that I took away from watching these videos was how much attention must be placed on making the subject of your interview as comfortable as possible. While that is something that seems obvious to most people, I never realized how many little things can possibly lead to you either offending or scaring the person you are interviewing, as well as many other effects you can have on your subject. In the “Getting People to Talk” video, there were a plethora of things that were pointed out as terrible things to do. Amongst them were reacting strongly to something that was said (like when one of the interviewers was so shocked that the woman he was interviewing was only 24), nodding your head too much/repeating words such as ‘yea’ ‘uh-huh’, in addition to other things that could lead to you subject losing their comfort with you.

In the interview with Brandon Stanton, he mentioned briefly that he never looks to have an agenda and then fit the people he interviews into it. He feels that in order to get the best out of people he has to have one interest only and that is them; meaning, he focus all his attention on the individual and nothing else. This also shows the importance he places on making sure your subject gets the sense you care about them and making sure they are comfortable.

Another thing spoken about in “Getting People to Talk” was how to set up the room (i.e. how many cameras, recorders, people should be there for the interview), who the subject should be allowed to give the interview with, etc. Once again, the main focus is all on doing whatever can be done to ensure that the person sitting across from you, or next to you, doesn’t feel the least bit uneasy.

After completing both videos, I left with more of a sense of just how important it is to do everything in your capabilities to make sure the subject of your interview feels extremely comfortable with you and their surroundings. Just saying one misplaced word, or not saying something when you should, or nodding your head a few times too many, are just some of the things that can turn a potentially golden interview into one in which the person is now not as comfortable and therefore not going to share as much information as they would have.