Cheng Dong – Minibios


After people spend some time with me, most of them will come to the coherent conclusion that I am a very “normal” person. The life story of the person named “Cheng Dong” isn’t something that one would appreciate with occasional gasps of astonishment. I am a Chinese immigrant that arrived in the United States in 2004, when I was nine years old and in fourth grade. In the nine years in United States, I graduated from P.S.173, M.S. 216, and the Bronx High School of Science to finally arrive today in the Macaulay Honors program of Baruch College. Although I have yet to declare my major, I am working my way towards an accountant degree and hopefully obtain a career in the area. As of hobbies, I, like other teens, am fond of video games, but I am personally very attracted to Japanese Anime, causing me to join the Anime Asylum of Baruch College. I don’t consider my life to be “fascinating”, but I am grateful of the simple life that I happily live now.

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