Hey Guys!

Hello everyone! My name is Athena. In high school, I was part of Law and Society and learned just how much I loved law. I am now a member of the Pre-Law Society, and am intending on minoring in pre-law at Baruch. One of my favorite pastimes is photography – I especially love taking pictures of landscapes and documenting everyday life. Every photograph taken is another work of art created through your own eyes. Another thing I love to do is go on long bike rides by my house. Unfortunately, I have not been able to go in the last two months because of the cold weather. However, as soon as it gets warm again, I cannot wait to take my bike out for a spin! Though I’ve lived in NYC my whole life, I’ve never really explored a lot of places. Hopefully, as the weather gets warmer, I’ll be able to travel and explore more places of NYC that I’ve never been to! I’m incredibly excited about this class and cannot wait to learn about all the different cultures!59637_10202718964473460_1298755380_n

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