Only in America…

…is a significant part of the population multilingual. I remember taking pride in myself for being fluent and literate in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. As time went on, I realized that really wasn’t a big deal. (Please note: I kind of define America as New York City, so my opinion is biased.) Only in this country is close to 70% of the population overweight. That’s nothing to sneeze at. Only in America is the largest coke size close to a liter. Only in America is the subway so dirty (which is understandable). Only in America (NYC) is street art so appreciated. Only in NYC is an American retail corporation like Walmart non-existent when there’s a Walmart in Guangzhou on the other side of the planet. Only in NYC are there so many nut jobs on the trains or buses. Only in America are celebrity athletes (or celebrities in general) paid so handsomely.

Another thing that I found unique to the U.S. is the smell of opportunity and hope in the air (I know how corny that sounds). Maybe it’s just me, but I feel that is in part due to the amount of second chances people get here, which can be a good or bad thing. It’s good because it’s humane and maybe some people can really use a second chance. For example, if you’re half an hour late to the SAT here, you’re still allowed to take it. Last year in China, a boy was forbidden from taking the college exam (administered only once a year) because he arrived a minute late. He tried to climb over the fence of the testing site and got arrested. That was an extreme example, but I think you get the point.

The bad thing is that people might get into the mindset that everything will be okay. I know some people who aren’t convinced that they actually have to deal with the college debt within six months of graduation. They believe there’s some sort of “extension.” I think what I’m trying to say is that American education, including higher education, is a double-edged sword and does not adequately prepare (all) students for the harsh postgraduate environment and reality.

I kind of got off topic there, but that’s my two cents.


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