“Only in America”

Like Cindy, I have a tendency to associate “America” primarily with New York City, rather than the nation as a whole. Although the city is only a tiny region in our relatively large country, I think it is highly representative of people’s perceptions of America considering its unparalleled diversity and heavy population. When people use the phrase “Only in America,” I can’t help but think of popular stereotypes about overweight cops eating donuts, drunk and overpaid celebrities, and everyone else lounging on their couches with beers and pizzas in hand. For the most part, people say “Only in America” sarcastically or cynically when telling bad jokes and referring to the negative characteristics of American life. One phrase I hear a lot is, “Only in America can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.” Another quote I just saw online is, “Only in America do people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.” It’s a bit frightening and disappointing to become aware of the reality in some of these statements. But there are also numerous positive aspects affiliated with our great country. Only in America can any person, regardless of race, age, or sex, pursue a quality education. Only in America can you meet people from completely different cultures and backgrounds who share common dreams. To me, “Only in America” means both the good and bad facets of our country that make it so unique and special. It includes the independence, variety, and undying hope that defines our nation. Contrary to what some skeptics say, America is actually a pretty awesome place. After all, people have come from all over the world to settle here and be a part of our extraordinary country.

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