“Only in America”

To me, the phrase “Only in America” has a negative connotation regarding the status of the United States. As terrible as it sounds, I can’t help but to think about the amount of power and affluence the United States, as a first world country, has over poverty-stricken regions outside of the US and third world countries. Yes, America is the land of the free and frequently known as the golden gate to opportunity, but at what cost? In a song by Lupe Fiasco, “Around My Way”, he covers the extremities of America- from the Trail of Tears to “human body sandbags.” He also denounces America for taking its problems and dumping it on other countries as a way of resolving them in his line, “Then turn around and treat Ghana like a garbage can.” His reference of America as “a big motherfuckin’ garbageman” creates a huge point and sheds light on a serious issue.

“Only in America” is also heard when others talk about the United States mockingly, using the phrase to highlight the country’s numerous stereotypes. However, for me, it is also synonymous with the phrase “first world problems,” as this is also used sarcastically to describe the wealth difference between America and third world countries. People often wonder about how others can complain about a minor and negligible aspect of their lives that doesn’t even compare to not having clean drinking water, or safe living environments. I feel that “Only in America” needs to undergo a rebranding, and come out with a more positive definition.

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