The Policing of New York

New York City, some call it the greatest city in the world, but what about its’ police force? For my project proposal I would like to research about the police in New York City. Are they corrupt? Are they prejudice towards certain groups? Do they racially profile suspects? Do police target certain immigrant groups?  Do different immigrant groups have different opinions of the police force? Are the police in New York better or worst compared to the police force in other major cities?

For this project we can look at the differences and similarities between the police in the five boroughs as well as in other major cities. We can split into groups to research the police in each of the five boroughs. We can interview and survey people in each borough to find out about their opinions of the police in their neighborhood. Another way we could gather data is to interview the police force from each borough if they allow us to. We can compare and contrast the similarities and differences between each borough. We can research a few neighborhoods in each borough or focus on one neighborhood per borough.

We can research whether or not income levels correlate to police presence in certain neighborhoods. Are there more police in lower income neighborhoods? Is there more corruption if any in lower income neighborhoods?

We can research different immigrant groups and their opinions of the police force in New York. Do certain ethnic groups have a better opinion about the police or do they all view the police force similarly? Are certain immigrant groups more likely to be arrested or commit crimes?

I think this topic would not only enable us to learn a lot about the police in our city, but about the people and neighborhoods as well. Students can be split into groups to either research a certain immigrant group or a certain neighborhood. Every student will be able to participate and contribute to the project since there is so much information to be gathered.

The multimedia aspect of the project would be simple. We could include maps of the different neighborhoods, video interviews with the people in different boroughs or of different ethnic groups, and audio interviews as well. We can give out surveys for people to take and formulate graphs and charts graphs and charts with the given data.

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