American Exceptionalism

The phrase “Only in America” is a phrase we all know too well, from commercials to presidential speeches, our culture is quick to remind us about our individuality. The fact is, any country can use this phrase, because there is a stereotype/general characteristic of a country that emphasizes the spirit of their culture.
As an American, I may be a bit biased in saying this, but for me, this phrase especially fits so well with the American spirit. There has always been a distinct air of entrepreneurism, of innovation, that seems to be a crucial part of the existence of our culture. Ever since the pioneers, there has been a sense of that “American spirit,” which can only be found here. After all, this country is one of the youngest in the modern world, and since its birth, there has been an omnipresence of the theme of “American Exceptionalism.”
The country has always been about associated with humble origins, and through that, we, as American citizens, incorporate into our own personalities, ideas, and products we create. Earlier I mentioned about how many countries embrace the stereotypes of associated with them. This is magnified with the American stereotype. Often we hear the phrases “hardworking,” “ruggedness,” “innovative,” and many others that almost seem to hint at rebelliousness, but rebelliousness for the betterment of everyone’s lives. This was how our country was after all.
Years after the establishment of this nation, we still take these characteristics to heart. Whether or not you may agree, American has for a long time been a gold standard for being truly unique – a rugged nation among the proud, ancient nation states of Europe and Empires of Asia. The youth of our nation only emphasizes this, and this may exactly be the reason why we still embrace these characteristics, and why we could still be proud that everything about our unique nature can be summarized in three words.

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