Assignment due before Tuesday 2/4/14

For those of you who didn’t receive the email notification before, here is your assignment due by 9:00 pm this Monday night:

For Tuesday, Feb. 4, please bring your laptop to class. Brian will introduce you
to Prezi. We will also discuss the Preface, and Chapter 1 of Foner I (From Ellis
Island to JFK). You should be prepared to discuss the questions in the attached
sheet that I handed out in class on Tuesday.

I also attach the question sheet on Chapter 2 that I handed out in class on
Thursday. Please be prepared to discuss these questions in class on Thursday.

Also, in the “Week 2” section of our blog, please respond to the following in a
paragraph or so:

We often hear people use the phrase “Only in America,” in response to certain
phenomena. What does “Only in America” mean to you?

Please complete your post by 9:00pm on Monday night.

Download (DOC, 25KB)

Download (DOC, 23KB)

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