Cheng Dong – “Only In America”

Thinking about what is “Only In America” is rather difficult. I can’t help but question myself: Is there really anything that America have and the rest of the world doesn’t? No doubt, America is the most advanced country in the world, but today we are in the age of globalization. Anything can be spread to other parts of the world, and be owned by more than one nation alone. Physical products of America can be traded to all corners of the Earth and knowledge developed in America will eventually be spread out to other parts of the planet as well. As our world develop, its sections are becoming connected tighter and tighter; there will be one day when nothing will be limited to one region of the world but be accepted as a common trait of all parts of the human society.

Perhaps the only thing that is “Only In America” now is the diversity that most of us take for granted. Just travel around New York City and you would have seen the world. Coming into contact with different cultures, running into people of different race, and realizing America to be a country where no one race dominates. As of today, “Only In America” can you see such extent of diversity. Maybe the world would be like this in the future as globalization make its way, but today that diversity is “Only In America”.

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