Hey everyone!

My name is Mariana Gurevich and my family immigrated to the United States twenty years ago from Belarus. I was the first person in my family to be born in America. Recently, my family has become enthralled with piecing together our history and sharing our ancestor’s photographs. In the long run, we hope to construct a pretty extensive family tree, but over the last two years we have found over 500 of our family members. Our family tree is a work in progress, but is definitely worth it. I am interested in learning more about the history about New York, since I find roots of places and people quite fascinating.

As for my history, I graduated from Stuyvesant High School and am extremely happy to be in the Macaulay Honors Program at Baruch. I hope to attend the business school, but am torn about my possible majors. In the next few terms, I hope to hash out which area of business I find most captivating. I keep busy during the semester by working and volunteering. I also like to do fun, active things and indulge in my favorite, chocolate. Overall, I look forward to a wonderful, enriching semester.


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