Hey guys!

Hello everyone! My name is Lisa Puran and I was born and raised in Ozone Park, New York. I graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School, where I was initially a part of its Law and Society major. I am grateful for that experience because it made me realize how much I hated law. My true love is math, which explains why I am here at Baruch!

Whenever the question about my ethnicity comes up, people always guess that I am either Bengali, Indian, and, once, Hispanic. Actually, I am Guyanese-American. For those of you who have never heard of “Guyanese” or “Guyana,” it is a country located in the Northern part of South America. Guyana is considered a part of the English speaking Caribbean countries, even though it is not physically an island in the Caribbean. However, despite not being a well-known country, I am nevertheless proud of my nationality.

Outside of Baruch, I love singing and traveling. However, I recently developed a new love—photography! I recently got a DSLR and ever since then, it is like I became a photographer. I take pictures of practically everything—whether its my friends and family, scenery, or practically every single meal I ate since I got my camera last Christmas. I also like listening to music. Seriously, without Pandora de-stressing me from my stressful life, I don’t know where I would be.

But perhaps my biggest passion is my job. I work at Khan’s Tutorial, and have been working there for about 1.5 years now. I tutor kids in grades ranging from Kindergarten to the 6th grade and I absolutely love what I do. My students are the reason why despite being busy with my studies, I still get up early every weekend and go to work.

Wow, I wrote a lot. Awkward. Nevertheless, hope to get to know all of you over the course of  the semester! 🙂


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