Only in America…

Only in America will you be able to experience so many different cultures just by turning a street corner. Home to over 317 million people and growing, its diversity continues to expand daily.

America is one of the only countries where individuals can feel at home away from home. With so many different cultures and ethnic groups, every individual is capable of finding others who share their culture, speak their language, practice their religion, and so forth. Though there are so many communities of people who are so similar to every individual, there are also as many [communities] that are dissimilar.

Just look at lower Manhattan. In just that small area, there are two very different cultured neighborhoods – Chinatown and Little Italy. Upon arrival, most Asian immigrants would go to Chinatown, because that’s their’ safe haven. It is one of the few places where Chinese immigrants can go to freely speak their own language, eat their own cultures’ foods, practice their own traditions and celebrate their own holidays with the entire community. But when these same immigrants would like to experience something new, they can. After walking a few short blocks, these Chinese immigrants are now in Little Italy, where they can experience an entirely different and new culture. Here, they will meet people of a different descent, all speaking a language and practicing a culture completely foreign to them.

Nowhere else, will you be able to experience what America has to offer it’s citizens. Only in America will you be able to experience all the different cultures and traditions that the world has to offer without leaving your hometown or getting on a plane. The streets of America are like the halls of a museum – there’s something new and exciting to discover as you travel from neighborhood to neighborhood.

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