Project Proposal

New York City is, in my opinion, the best city in the world and is sometimes not even considered to be a part of America in the minds of many New Yorkers because we are so different from the rest of the country. A lot of what separates NYC from anywhere else is the diversity not only of the people but of the architecture, the restaurants, the services, and recreational activities to name a few. What I mean by that is, as we have talked about in class, New Yorkers come from pretty much everywhere and the city surely reflects that. There are so many different places to see and different things to do. I think it’d be cool to discover these places through the people of New York City. We would try to get a wide range of perspectives… different ages, different ethnicities, different genders, and see what we uncover based off of their opinion of the city. We would explore some of their favorite places in the city and try to make comparisons between the people we interview and their favorite places. This would certainly be applicable beyond the purpose of our class because anyone would be interested in knowing where to go that isn’t necessarily somewhere so obvious. We could get someone to tell us about their favorite park and someone else to tell us about their favorite cookie place. Not only are there are a number of boroughs to study but there are many neighborhoods within the boroughs and it’d be even interesting if we can get a place out of different neighborhoods so that there’s something to see in each one. No matter where you are in the city there is always something to check out, and we just may not know what exactly it is. Another idea is getting a story out of places in the city. We can go into restaurants and cafes and find out from a worker or owner what stories they have to tell about how they chose their particular location for a business or what kind of customers are common. We’d particularly choose restaurants designed with a certain ethnic food that is less commercial and more authentic. A lot of what the city is known for is its authenticity and I want to learn more about the authentic places and where they are. Just like my neighborhood visit project, I’m hoping to be able to go to one place and learn about another place from there and keep uncovering the city in that way, like a scavenger hunt. In our website we can include routes, maps, photos, and videos if applicable, at places we find and people we meet. As college students in the city, I think it’s be a great experience and something I would probably want to do on my own too. I think the class could be very motivated and interested if we did an idea like this.

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