Proposal for Website

For the class project, I propose that we create a website with a tour guide theme. I think it would be really cool if we came up with a way to make a guide that would allow people to look up the best places for different ethnicities/countries all over New York City. For example, we would make a page that is all about the best Chinese places. We would find the best Chinese restaurants, shops, clothing stores etc. We can do it based on countries and either focus on specific neighborhoods or combine places from all over New York. For instance, there can be a page all about Indian culture and have a restaurant from one area of New York and then give a clothing store that specializes in Indian apparel from another area of the city. It would be like we are a tour guide company for people who are visiting New York (or people who live in the city and just want to do exploring) and looking for specific places relating to a certain country or ethnictiy.

We can either divide it by different countries (or ethnicities) or we can divide it by sections. We can have a section for restaurants or a section for a specific country that is heavily populated in New York like Italy. In addition to listing the places that we find we can describe the different things that each country specializes in and how that specialty came about. For example, lets say that we have a Syrian page; we can give history of the food and what the foods actually are and show where people can go to get these specific foods. Or explain how Trinidadians have a very specific type of jewelry that they make and then find places that actually sell their jewelry. We can do as many countries or ethnicities as we like. Since there are so many places in New York City that identify with a specific culture it would be fascinating to put them all together and portray it in an interactive way for people who are looking to explore different ethnicities/countries. We can have a Norwegian page and then find restaurants that serve specific Norwegian foods. We can find places that have activities similar to those in country of origin. We can find the best places to take a language class if someone wants to learn a language of a specific country. We can include anything that would be unique to that specific country and the pages can vary in content depending what we want to incorporate for that specific country/ethnicity.

I think that this would be an interesting way to learn more about the different immigrant groups that have formed in New York City. There are many countries that have established their cultures here and this would be a fun way to explore the differences and uniqueness of each culture. We have studied about the reasons for each group coming to America, and the actually journey of coming, and it would be exciting to study their various cultural differences that are evident throughout New York.

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