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Jollibee: 40.745989, -73.901175
St. Sebastian Roman Catholic Church: 40.744908, -73.906483
Macro International Cargo: 40.746521, -73.895754
Red Ribbon Bake Shop: 40.745922, -73.898852
Ihawan Restaurant: 40.746168, -73.895486
St. Sebastian Catholic School: 40.745859, -73.906590
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A popular Filipino chain fast food restaurant that opened in 2009 and has an average of over 500 customers per day. Famous for their chickenjoy and fiesta noodles

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St. Sebastian Roman Catholic Church

The church of worship for most Filipinos in Woodside. The church also hosts Simbang Gabi, a novena of nine masses at dawn every Christmas, which is an important tradition for Filipino Catholics.

Jollibee, Queens, New York, NY, USA
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Macro International Cargo

We visited Macro International Cargo and interviewed the owner Robert about the Filipino community in Woodside. Robert's store was opened in 1993 and he helped Filipinos transfer money and packages back to the Philippines. He also help Filipinos book plane tickets so that they can travel back to their home country and visit their family

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St. Sebastian Catholic School

Right across from the St. Sebastian Roman Catholic Church is the St. Sebastian Roman Catholic School, which is religiously affiliated with the Church. Since most of the Filipino immigrants are Catholic, they would send their children to this school in the neighborhood; the children attend school here from kindergarten through 8th grade. 

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Red Ribbon Bake Shop

A chain Filipino bakery and a favorite local dessert spot famous for its ultimate chocolate cake

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Ihawan Restaurant

A local Filipino restaurant that specializes in Filipino barbecue pork and chicken.