Derek Lee and Belinda Wong

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Jackson Heights

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United Sherpa Association Inc.: 40.745176, -73.889880
Himalayan Yak: 40.746558, -73.892723
Spicy Tibet: 40.746842, -73.890170
Diversity Plaza: 40.747192, -73.891897
Travers Park: 40.753393, -73.889215
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United Sherpa Association Inc.







We first visited the United Sherpa Association, a large cultural and religious center in Jackson Heights.


41-01 75th St, Queens, NY 11373
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Himalayan Yak
This is a restaurant owned by Kunchok's family. We spent the majority of our visit here. The food was very authentic as well as the ambience.
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Spicy Tibet
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Diversity Plaza
This is where many different ethnic groups and their store fronts converge. A Free Tibet event was also held here.
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Travers Park
The park was largely Tibetan too, as many played basketball at this very popular Jackson Heights Park