Rachel Molloy

Photo on 9-17-14 at 4.17 PM #2My name is Rachel and I am originally from a town on Long Island called North Massapequa. I have lived there my whole life, but I love going to school in the city as well. I am currently an International Studies Major. I hope to work in helping better education systems in third world/developing countries. I also want to help address the growing number of homeless people in this country, specifically New York City. Basically, I just want to help make the world a better place as “cheesy” as it may sound. Outside of school, I love to dance and have done so since I was three years old. I continue to teach at studios on Long Island a few times a week and commute back to teach and choreograph. I’m also a special education mentor for kids with disabilities at my old high school. I hope this class will help me gain a more insightful and knowledgable perspective on the different groups of people living in the five boroughs, and their histories within New York City.

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