Josh Cutler

1513802_719016081508739_2732921325057641613_nIn the picture is my (four-month-old as of last Friday!!) niece, Sylvia Rosemarie.  She is the son of my oldest brother, who also went to City College.

As many of you guys already know, I am second-gerneation American, which Polish and Russian ancestry.  The grandchild of a Polish Jewish immigrant, I identify with the Jewish culture, although I only loosely observe the religion.

I am a Mechanical Engineering major, currently in my second semester (duh!).  I have done research here as well, so if any of you guys are also engineering majors and want to know who to speak to, just let me know and I’ll see what I can do.  If I don’t know you yet, I’m looking forward to meeting you guys!

One thought on “Josh Cutler

  1. Hi Josh! Thanks for the adorable picture of your niece. Can you also please post a picture of yourself in the “Featured Image” section of the post editor? Myself and Professor Rosenblum need it to help us to remember your name!

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