“The State of Your New York Block”


Just wanted to share this article that I found relevant to what we talked about so far in class and in the Joe Salvo presentation. We tend to have these overbearing depictions about certain areas that leads us to form extreme positive or negative judgments. I know I am indisputably guilty of that…. While these depictions can be fairly (or very) accurate, sometimes we overlook the details that seldom make their way into an area’s identity. Personally I was surprised at most of these because I either didn’t know the place existed or I didn’t expect certain areas had certain problems. There’s a focus on gentrification and its results/reactions. It’s also interesting that these people agree that de Blasio’s speech was not adequate to describe the state of the city. Before we embark on our tour and learn more about other parts of NYC, let us keep an open mind and take a look at some of these personal accounts of life around the boroughs.

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