Elyssa Sur


Hello everyone! I was born in Laguna Beach, California and have lived in Seal Beach, California my entire life but decided to venture pretty far from home to the city that never sleeps. I guess you could say in many aspects I’m a typical Cali kid: I love the beach, I listen to reggae and surf rock, I’m finding it very hard to live without In n Out burger, and I have been spoiled with amazing weather year round. Despite this I find myself in love with the city and feeling like I definitely made the right decision in coming here. One of the main attractions which had me gravitating towards NYC was the sheer amount of culture in the city and the nightlife. Literally everyday has been a new adventure and I am in love with the music scene.

I am currently a Liberal Arts-Undecided major but I’m leaning towards the social sciences. I have no idea exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life but for now I am content to explore my options.

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