“The Faces on the Ferry”-NY Times Article

This is an article I came across this morning while reading the newspaper. I found it really interesting and cool that this photographer decided to pursue this project. He rode the ferry about ten times a day for ten weeks straight, photographing various people he saw riding it. Just the eleven pictures included in the slideshow in the article provide almost a “snapshot” of the diversity of people New York City has. It really shows how different cultures and people blend together, as we have been discussing in class.

2 thoughts on ““The Faces on the Ferry”-NY Times Article

  1. I really liked the idea behind the photographer’s project. Having taken the Staten Island Ferry either way a few times myself, I have to say he describes the atmosphere perfectly. Thousands ride it daily, yet it never felt crowded anytime I was on it. There was ample space and room to maintain a satisfactory separation from other people. And like the photographer said, it’s less frantic than the urban subway system under the city. It’s quite the calming journey between Manhattan and Staten Island that can serve as a perfect case study of the different people in New York. This is especially true with it being a popular tourist attraction.

    I myself never really paid too much attention to the people around me during commutes in such a manner. That’s one thing this class and articles such as this are helping me to do. In short, I absolutely agree that the Staten Island Ferry is a great environment to observe people and the city’s diversity. Ample separation on the ferry gives better appreciation than a crowded train affords. The photographer definitely chose a very interesting topic to study and a very useful place to do his work.

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