Nail Salon Workers

Above is an interesting article in regards to the recent exposures of the hazardous working conditions faced by nail salon workers. I think this relates to many of the ideas and topics we have been discussing in class. The article talks about Cuomo’s emergency measures he wants to take to improve the conditions for nail salon workers. This goes along with the article on the importance of labor unions and protecting workers’ rights posted a few weeks ago. Additionally, many of the workers in nail salons are immigrants, and it is an industry that has been a “major entry point” for them. I think this is an ongoing battle, to protect workers in all industries, but specifically immigrant workers who may be in more dangerous and less regulated industries.

One thought on “Nail Salon Workers

  1. The New York Times investigation put into the spotlight the particular problems facing immigrant workers in the salon industry that most people wouldn’t even think existed. Immigrants (especially illegal ones) risk deportation and are subject to easier abuse due to limit English abilities. I think it’s a step in the right direction for Governor Cuomo to immediately start an investigation and it should improve the lives of workers. The thing is this only occurred due to a media outbreak on this story – had the story not become so popular, few people would know about it, and nothing would be done. My hope is that an attempt to fix issues becomes the rule and not the exception in the future, and that we as Americans realize that others pay the price when we aim to pay less ourselves.

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