John Adam’s Music Piece

As I listened to Adams’ composition I found myself lost in the music and my thoughts, while other times, I felt completely aware of every compositional choice he made. While I am not näive enough to think that I knew what was running through Adams’ head when he composed his piece I just wanted to share a few thoughts.

First, I noticed a few major changes in style. While the piece initially starts out as spoken, and street noises, perhaps to indicate the initial shock of the events of 9/11. The basic human sentence structure and communication used by newscasters is symbolized in the simple words used to communicate early in the piece.

Next, the piece moves into a dirge, like a march, symbolizing the constant reminder that exists in the smoldering ruins following the September 11 attacks. This march-like composition leads into a requiem truly “In Memoriam” of the victims of the attacks.

Later on, the piece transitions to include sounds that resemble cutlasses, which reference the quick, seemingly unfounded battles we entered into following 9/11.

Although these points stood out to me in my notes, there were so many other things which could be interpreted from this piece. As I previously stated, there were times I found myself lost in the piece, just as sometimes we lose sight or memory of the attacks on September 11. Then, just as in my daily life, there is a point in the composition which strikes me to remember the events that took place on 9/11.

Finally, the great thing about handling a composition of this size, is the ability of every person to draw something different from it. I look forward to hearing what parts of the piece spoke to which people.


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About Chris DiBari

Chris is a student at Brooklyn College and Macaulay Honors College at CUNY. Born in Illiniois, Chris has lived in a number of different places including: Newport, RI, Key West, FL, Chesapeake, VA, Pittsburgh, PA, Warren, NJ, and currently lives in Brooklyn. He is living in the dorms, but soon hopes to leave and move to a different part of Brooklyn. Chris is undecided in his major, but has passions in the social sciences, and next semester hopes to take a few more history classes. Chris is currently pursuing his goal of becoming a United States Marine Corps officer through the Platoon Leader's Class option and applying to the United States Naval Academy.