Bridging Environments

The High Line Stands Out

This sketch is supposed to show how the High Line stands out from the rest of the community. At the same time, it is a part of the community because of the people who visit.

The High Line stands out from the rest of the community, but it represents the community at the same time. It can be used as a bridge between eras, as well as a park to find friends in.

I entered the High Line from the still undeveloped side. When I first saw the High Line, I thought it looked out of place. The elevator that brought me up to it was modern, but on my right, I could see the old, unused tracks. A fence blocked them off, so I couldn’t walk on them. Our inability to meet made me feel like I was stuck in a time machine, looking through a window to see a time that was. When I looked to my left, I saw what the tracks were transformed into. When I looked ahead, I saw the community that grew around it. Since I could not walk on the path to my right, I turned left and walked along the High Line.

Unlike the parks that I usually go to, the people there were all hanging out, and taking pictures. There no one was jogging or biking. Everything moved at a slower pace. People were relaxing. It was not the typical New York City scene. On the path, I noticed the remnants of the old railroad tracks. It reminded me of the trolleys one can see in California or Hong Kong, or maybe even the less developed part of the City. It wasn’t something I expected to see in the middle of Manhattan.

The High Line gradually changed into a garden above the city. The staircases on the side of the garden didn’t seem like exits, only a way to enter the beautiful environment. Looking outside of the garden, there were many billboards. While many looked so typical of the city, I remember one billboard of a mountain that I thought was ironic. In the garden, there was real nature. In the billboard, there was an artist’s attempt to bring nature to the people. It was a beautiful image; it made me want to go visit the snowy mountain. However, looking back into the garden, I thought about how people should learn to embrace the nature around them. They don’t need to go far.

As I moved further down the High Line, the scenery changed and I finally got to a well-developed area with food stands. As hungry as I was, I did not appreciate this part of the High Line as much. The rest of the High Line was so surreal in comparison. This part of the High Line reminded me of all the other parks in the city. In the other parts of the High Line, there was the recurring theme of nature versus the industrialized society. Here, the High Line and modern culture were one and the same.

As I got off the High Line, I realized how different part of the High Line was compared to the rest of the city, while part of it was just like a park in the city. The side I had entered in was undeveloped. It brought me back to a different time period. As I moved along the High Line, it became more modern. The tracks became a bridge. There was flora everywhere. It was a garden. At the end, the High Line was part of the community. The garden still existed, but the High Line looked like any old park in the City. Overall, the High Line created a bridge that connected the past to the present through the gradual changes of the park.