Obama, Citing a Concern for Families, Orders a Review of Deportations

An recent, interesting article by Michael D. Shear from the Times related to our discussion last week on the large amount of deportations during the Obama administration, as well as our readings.  The push for making the deportations of illegal immigrants more “humane” has been brought into the mainstream as individuals like Senator Robert Menendez, a leading Latino voice of Congress, pressure Obama to “do something drastic”.  This is demonstrative of the importance of political representation and its ability to bring to light such important issues.  It is also interesting to note arguments of the opposing side, that cite unemployment as a reason to continue deportation.  Considering the complex network of influences and interests in deportation, do you think this increased pressure will affect the status quo?


The graphic I included above is a visual that nicely captures the relative clemency and sympathy of judges to immigrants in New York, which we discussed in class.  This can be seen in  the lower amount of people who are deported and greater amount who stay in New York, compared with the rest of the United States.

Link to article:  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/14/us/obama-orders-review-of-deportations.html?hpw&rref=politics&_r=0