I enjoyed the readings in this module, especially A Light of Other Days by Bob Shaw. If the snow glass was an actually commodity sold today, it would’ve been a really popular product. As shown in the story, people sometimes have a hard time letting go of the past and the snow glass makes it so that you can carry a piece of the past with you, making it feel like everything is the same. However, this did not seem like a time traveling story to me as what I associate time traveling to be is when one physically travels to another time period. This story seemed more like one is stuck holding onto a specific time, but not actually traveling to that time period.

I really liked the novel Kindred. The characters were really well developed and even the ones that were supposed to be awful had their moments of humanity, making you understand where they were coming from. The novel really showed how we are a product of our times. Even though Rufus’s behavior was appalling, we could see how his actions were a result of the time he grew up in and the influence his parents had. To me, this brought up the question of Nature vs. Nurture. We saw in the beginning, when Rufus was a young boy, that he was a likable child, not yet influenced by the time around him. But we see throughout the novel, how every time Dana goes back, Rufus has changed for the worse each time. This goes to show how much our environment can have an effect on us.