Science Fiction at Macaulay Honors College

Author Chrismal Abraham

Module 5 Reading Response

Overall I really liked this module. I have always been fascinated by the idea of time travel as a kid and that fascination still stands strong today. Also Terminator 2 has always been one of my favorite movies as a… Continue Reading →

Multivac vs the Internet

I think a strong argument could be made that Isaac Asimov predicted with his story of Multivac how expansive and integrated into our lives computers and technology and especially the internet has become. Multivac is an all-powerful computer that’s reminiscent… Continue Reading →

The Mark Watney Equations

He was not alone… The girl came out of her hiding place unaware of the terrible consequences that normally befall those who break the rules of the frontier. A decision had to be made. The pilot stood there in silence… Continue Reading →

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